10 Great Indoor Plants for Your Office

Plants in the office do more than add a splash of color; they can actually make people more productive. According to the principles of biophilic design, human beings have a need to connect with nature. When this is satisfied, people become less stressed and better workers. Adding plants are a simple way to add the nature that people crave.

But not all plants can thrive in the office. Many need more sun and water than the workplace can realistically provide. But there are others that are perfect on a desk or beside the cabinet. Here are 10 of them.


Small and thorny, cacti come in different varieties. They do require lots of sunlight though but minimal water. If there’s a large window and employees are always busy on work, grow a cactus.


Another choice that’s easy to maintain, the Jade Plant require minimal watering and only moderate amounts of sunlight. It’s also cherished as the money plant in China, which makes it even better for businesses.


Aloe is a plant that’s needed in every office. It’s not only good for scrapes and burns, it has amazing air-filtering qualities. It can remove contaminants like benzene and formaldehyde from the air.


Like the aloe, the Rubber Tree Plant is known for being a great air filter. Even better, they don’t require as much care. They still need bright light but when they’re dormant, it’s okay to just water them twice a month.


The English Ivy is a clinging vine that requires little care. Put it under the shade and it will still grow. They can tolerate dry conditions too. They’re also useful at filtering fecal matter and formaldehyde.


Another plant that flourishes in low light conditions, the Peace Lily can brighten dark offices with their simple white flowers. In fact, if the lily isn’t flowering, it might a good idea to move to a darker place. They’re also functional air filters.


The Cast Iron Plant is, like its namesake, extremely tough. It can survive in low light and no regular watering. While it’s usually large, it has dwarf form that can be easily placed in a small pot in the office.


Another plant that doesn’t require much maintenance, the Chinese evergreen’s green and purple leaves are a joy. The plant thrives in humidity, which is great when the air-conditioning breaks down.


The ZZ Plant is almost indestructible.  It can withstand months of neglect, survive on only fluorescent light, and little water. It’s often mistaken for plastic because it retains its glossy sheen throughout. If the office just needs a plant, then this is a great choice.


Bamboo is another plant that could thrive with low light although they will grow high when exposed to plenty. If they do grow too tall, it’s easy to trim them. Like the Jade Plant, bamboo is also lucky to have around.

Plants are great but office productivity will rise even more if the furniture is also upgraded. Check out great furniture to work with here.


Some Photos from: Apartment Therapy, and Hearth & Vine

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